

No matter to whom you choose to entrust your investment advice, we strongly recommend that you understand their ownership structure—to determine where their ultimate responsibilities lie.

As a 100% independent advisor, the answer for our firm is simple:

We don’t represent a particular group of funds or products. Our sole business is providing objective, unbiased investment management counsel. We are accountable exclusively to you.


The best relationships are built on trust.  As advisors, the trust we build is created from shared understandings and common goals. That’s why we believe that frequent communication— characterized by frank talk and clear explanations—ensures that our investment approach is always aligned with your evolving long-term goals and current circumstances.  We’ve earned the confidence of our clients.

Likewise, in our investment activities, we take pride in maintaining the highest standards of professional practice and integrity.  We’ve earned the respect and trust of our colleagues and partners as well. 

Long-term focus.

We focus on growing investments through a full market cycle (or several).

Your account is managed by an experienced investment professional backed by a strong, fundamentally driven research team focused on primary investment research and analysis.

We provide highly tailored investment solutions.  Client portfolios are under continuous supervision to ensure ongoing compliance with your long-term investment goals.

As a result of our long-term focus and dedication to a rigorous investment process, our clients have enjoyed tax-efficient investment results with below average volatility.  They have also been largely sheltered from the kinds of turbulence that plagued those who were distracted by the various “bubbles” of recent investment seasons.